




DJI Ronin Control SmoothTrack Settings Enabling SmoothTrack will allow the Ronin-S to respond to the user's movements without manual operation. Settings can be changed for each axis with the options of low, medium, high or custom settings in any of the following: Speed - Choose how quickly the Ronin will react. Deadband - Choose how much movement the Ronin will ignore. Sensitivity - Choose how quickly the Ronin will react to movement. You can also choose whether the Push feature is active. This feature allows you to manually move the gimbal by hand.

Note :


This content is uploaded by APPS CONNECT Developer and available on Google Play Store. APPS CONNECT Developer do not own this content and this content credits to their respective owners listed in the source link. Hopefully useful and please share this app.

Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441