
Motor Parameters

Motor Parameters



DJI Ronin Control Moto Parameters This menu allows you to complete the tuning function we discussed above as well as set specific motor parameter. Following the tuning, the motor details will be set to the appropriate level for your gimbal and payload set up. The motor parameters are broken down into the following areas: Stiffness - Motor stiffness allows you to choose the power supplied by each motor for balance and weight. You should ensure extra margin is left for each setting for a guaranteed stability. Strength - DJI recommend leaving this setting as the default. The strength setting allows you to minimize attitude error by increasing the strength. Filter - The filter setting can help reduce high-frequency vibrations of the Ronin-S. This is done by lowering the setting to reduce the numbness of the motor. Control - This setting can be used to assist with low-frequency vibrations. If vibrations are visible, increasing and decreasing the control can help optimise the settings. These settings should only be changed once you know how to control them properly. Until this point, the settings chosen in tuning should provide the best results fpr your setup.

Note :

"Motor Parameters"

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Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441