
Focus Wheel

Focus Wheel

The Focus Wheel allows you to control the focus of a compatible camera.DJI Ronin-S - Focus WheelRonin-S - Focus Wheel

Focus Wheel

  • Rotate to control the focus on the camera

CAN/S-Bus Switch

  • CAN - switch the CAN position to connect to the DJI Pro Wireless Receiver
  • S-BUS - switch to S-BUS when connected to a third-party controller

Multifunction Button

  • Tap once for a-b-point calibration
  • Click twice for travel calibration
  • Press and hold to flip the control connection

Status Indicator

The indicator will show the status of the Focus Wheel as per the below:

  • Red - double blinking - firmware update required
  • Red - blinking - disconnected
  • Yellow - solid - external focus motor detected without travel calibration
  • Yellow - blinking - external focus motor is being travel calibrated
  • Green - solid - connected
  • Green - blinking - external focus motor's a-point is set
  • Green double blinking - external focus motor's a-b-point is set

CAN Port

  • Used to connect a wireless receiver

8-Pin Contact

  • Power and transmit control for the Focus Wheel

Note :

"Focus Wheel"

This content is uploaded by APPS CONNECT Developer and available on Google Play Store. APPS CONNECT Developer do not own this content and this content credits to their respective owners listed in the source link. Hopefully useful and please share this app.

Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441