


1.What’s Auto Tune?

The Ronin-S’s Auto Tune can automatically calibrate motor stiffness based on mounted payload and tuning aggressiveness. Auto Tune can be accessed via the “Configuration – Motor Parameters” page. Before performing Auto Tune, mechanical balance adjustment is necessary. Three preset Auto Tune aggressiveness levels can help you modify the stiffness output value. The Low preset is optimized Auto Tune for scenarios where only slow movement is involved. When the Ronin-S is mounted to a vehicle or used for a fast-moving scene, the High preset can ensure optimal gimbal performance. The Mid preset is designed to provide a satisfactory outcome for most cases and is the default setting.

2.What is SmoothTrack?

SmoothTrack enables the Ronin-S to intelligently react to and follow the operator’s movement without input from a second operator. You can selectively enable SmoothTrack on the Pan, Tilt, and Roll axes on the Ronin-S. For further instruction on using SmoothTrack, please refer to the manual.

3.How do Motor Stiffness Settings work?

Motor stiffness values determine the strength of the Ronin-S’s motors to maintain the camera's position, which is critical for maintaining stability. Heavier payloads mounted to the gimbal require higher stiffness value to ensure stable performance. Inadequate stiffness values will result in an inability to offer optimal stabilization. If you’re unsure about which values to set, simply use Auto Tune to let the Ronin-S calculate the optimal motor stiffness.

4.What is System Calibration and when should I use it?

System calibration is designed to counteract gimbal drifting caused by accumulated sensor errors. Before initializing the calibration process, the Ronin-S must be placed on a level surface without being disturbed.
Use System Calibration when you notice that the gimbal is drifting or when the horizon is tilted.

Note :


This content is uploaded by APPS CONNECT Developer and available on Google Play Store. APPS CONNECT Developer do not own this content and this content credits to their respective owners listed in the source link. Hopefully useful and please share this app.

Design and Coded by (Rio Ilham Hadi) 08888905441